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Sunday, April 13, 2008

doing what you enjoy doing does not feel like work

writing copy is fun even though the deadline is always yesterday.

i think when you are doing something that you love, you tend to give it all you've got.

and you get so involved with what you are doing that negative stuff like pressure or stress does not bother you anymore.


but just in case you do get stressed out > lobotomy


10 'must-have's for a copywriter

+ oxygen

+ water (preferably with a lil' fizz at the end of a long day)

+ food (optional)

+ blackbook* (older the better)

+ clients (optional)

+ heart, brain, lungs, liver & assorted organs (brain optional)

+ deadlines (yes, it's true)

+ friends

+ fuel for the brain (in case you have one, that is).

stronger the better; fun & frolic will follow

+ attention to detail (whatever that is)

+ ability to count beyond 10

* for the benefit of the uninitiated- a blackbook is a huge book (not necessarily black though) that comes out every year; a selection of the best of advertising from around the world for that particular year

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